Lou Howell Photography Portfolio

Product Photography
I love macro work. It is very hard trying to keep the camera still whilst chasing a small creature around on my hands and knees but it is so rewarding.
Butterflies are great to photograph as they tend to keep still for short amounts of time but I do have a passion for dragonfly and unfortunately they don't like to keep still.
I still have a lot to learn with macro but its a subject I practice regularly.
Click on an image to see the large file.

A large number of photos combined to achieve this effect

A large number of photos combined to achieve this effect
HDR - High Dynamic Range
This is a technique used in imaging and photography to reproduce a greater dynamic range of luminosity than possible using standard digital imaging or photographic techniques.
I take a series of photographs of different EV values (light or dark) and combine the images therefore showing all the detail in the picture.
I love this type of photography which can be used where there are a lot of shadows that I need to remove.
The images shown here are extreme to show the effects. HDR can be dramatic or subtle.

Landscapes & Buildings
A small selection of my favourite landscapes. I have a passion for chasing sunsets and I am always searching out local beauty spots in the hope of making a great image.